1st Grade- 1º Primaria

1st Grade BIG SURPRISE 1
Oxford University Press
Contents (Contidos)

 Starter Unit (Unidade de Inicio): Hello!
Body: (Head, body, arms, legs, feet, tail).
Animals (Dinosaur, dance, monkey, kangaroo, elephant, penguin).
Grammar: I´m (Annie/Leo). This is (Dougie).
Unit 1 (Unidade 1): Where´s my baby?
Body: (Head, body, arms, legs, feet, tail).
Animals (Dinosaur, dance, monkey, kangaroo, elephant, penguin).
Grammar: Today is.... It´s... Turn around, sit down, move your..., Is that your (baby)? Look at my (feet)!,, Where´s (my baby)?, It´s got (four legs).    

Unit 2 (Unidade 2): Fly, kite, fly
Toys (Ball, skateboard, scooter, bike, kite, doll). Song 1
Grammar: It´s a (kite), I´ve got a (scooter). It’s (pink),
Fly, kite, fly!,  Fly up in the sky,  When it’s sunny and it’s raining, there’s a rainbow.              

Unit 3 (Unidade 3): The enormous carrot
Family (Mummy, daddy, granny, grandad, sister, brother).
Grammar: Let´s (run).  (Grandad) pulls and pulls. standing in a row, waving hello, Time to go!, The carrot grows and grows, That’s no good!, Show me you muscles!, Great muscles!

Unit 4 (Unidade 4): The king of the jungle
Animals (Crocodile, monkey, tiger, snake, turtle, elephant, spider, fish, bird, kangaroo).   
Musical Instruments (Piano, glockenspiel, flute, double bass).  
More words (Cake, jump, swim, run, roar)
Grammar: I can..., walking through the jungle, What can you see?, The (turtle) is scared, I’m the king of the jungle, How about you?.
Unit 5 (Unidade 5): Chuck´s new clothes
Clothes (Shirt, jeans, hat, boots, jacket, sweater, t-shirt, scarf, cap).
Feelings (Hungry,  tired, angry, sad, happy, sorry).  
Colours (Red, blue, yellow, green, purple, pink, orange, black, white, brown)
Grammar: Look at my (shirt)!,  I’m (hungry),  I’m a cowboy, Chuck the cowboy and Hank the horse are in the desert.  Chuck puts up his tent and goes to sleep.  The sheriff is eating (a sandwich).  There’s a (hat).
Unit 6 (Unidade 6): Aziza´s hat
Fruit (Oranges, apples, cherries, bananas, plum, watermelon).
Food (chocolate cake, chicken, salad, potatoes, pineapple, milkshake).  
Animals (giraffe, monkey, elephant, snake, turtle).
Grammar: I like (bananas), (red) (cherries),  Do you like (chocolate cake)?,  Look at my lovely hat!. How about you?,  Aziza and Kito are going to a party, Are you ready?, An (elephant) takes the (red) (cherries), Can we come to the party?
(Potatoes) grow under the ground,  (Bananas) grow on trees, (Pineapples) grow on plants.

Festivals (Celebracións):
Halloween (Orange, brown, black, white. Pumpkin, bat, cat, witch, ghost. Show me the (pumpkin), Colour (the bat), Cut out (the cat), Happy Halloween!).
Christmas (Christmas tree, presents, star, skateboard, camera drum, bike, ball, trumpet. Red, blue, yellow, green, pink, purple. Look at (the Christmas tree), Merry Christmas!).
Carnival (Clown, doll, dinosaur, mouse, pirate. Can you see (the dinosaur)?, Coming through the town, Happy Carnival).
Routines (Rutinas):
Greetings: Hello, good morning, good bye, bye.
Commands: Line up, walk in line quietly, turn on the light, put down your chairs, sit down, open your books, put your folder under the desk, grab your pencil, stand up, come here...
Personal information: What´s your name?, What´s your last name?, How old are you?, When is your birthday?
Date (Ver Páxina Weather & Date)
Weather expressions (Ver Páxina Weather & Date)
School tasks:  Look, listen, read, write, colour, draw, match, tick, cross, cut, fold, stick, glue, sing...


 UNIT  2

 UNIT  3

 UNIT  4

 UNIT  5

 UNIT  6

Other activities online (Games, songs and other activities)
 Outras actividades dispoñibles na rede  (xogos, cancións, actividades de reforzo e ampliación...)

CNICE. Vocabulary review activities organized by topic.- Actividades de repaso de vocabulario por temas. 1º de Primaria (caracol) e 2º de Primaria (volvoreta).

Alphabet. Learn letters names, sounds and how to write them.- Alfabeto. Deprende as letras, o seu son en inglés e tamén a escribilas.

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